Saturday 15th July 2028
only 1302 days to go


› Congratulations

The following couples successfully 'claimed the bacon' on Saturday 14 July 2012:

  • Mr & Mrs Steve & Pat Schorah (Great Dunmow)
  • Mr & Mrs Dave & Sue Gilham (Spain)
  • Mr & Mrs John & Helen Wright (Great Dunmow)
  • Mr Matthew Harrington & Ms Julie Lovell (Dubbo, Australia, now resident in Dulwich, London)

Winners of the Gammon:

  • Mr & Mrs Roderic & Anna Buttimore (Southend)

› 2012 Roll of Honour

The Dunmow Flitch Trials is an historical event of which this town is rightly proud. However, as anyone who has been involved in organising such events will tell you, it takes an extraordinary amount of time, commitment and money to make it happen.

Special thanks to the 2012 Committee: Helen Wildman (Chair), Richard Burlend, Michael Chapman, Jo Crowley, John Davey, Helen Haines, Mark Jones, Helen Knight, Jackie Martin, June Milne, Jenny Poulton, Clive Smith and Bernie Taffs.

The Dunmow Flitch Trials Committee would like to thank the following individuals and organisations for their support as sponsors and contributors to the Trials:

  • 999 (Dunmow & District) Squadron, Air Training Corps for providing support on Trials Day
  • A J Coulson for providing a Gammon
  • Anglia Fire Protection for providing the fire extinguishers
  • Aubrey Art Gallery for running the childrens' art competition
  • Banana Travel especially Susie Hyatt for selling the tickets
  • Containerlift for collecting our storage container
  • Croudace for the loan of road barriers
  • David Milne for the straw bales
  • Dunmow Flower Club for beautifully decorating the marquee, dray & flitch of bacon
  • Dunmow Museum for looking after the Flitch artefacts
  • Dunmow Rotary Club for acting as Court Bailiffs & their cash donation
  • Dunmow Tennis Club for loaning their club house
  • Dunmow Town Council for their generous cash donation & preparing the grounds
  • Eric Rogers & Bishops Stortford Scaffolding for constructing the stage
  • Essex Police especially Neville Hayden for helping with the traffic management
  • Gates for their cash donation
  • Great Garnetts for providing a Flitch of Bacon
  • Ian Thorpe & Andrew Lodge for the loan of the Oath Taking 'stage' truck
  • Jake Coleman for beautifully building the new Flitch Chair
  • Jean Willis for tending to the Bearers' smocks
  • Jody Huizar for brilliantly organising the Flitch Bearers
  • Landmark Interiors for providing carpentry & general building services
  • Maureen Corder at The Hat Lady 01376 329716 for the Maidens' hats
  • Michael Chapman for sponsoring the new Flitch Chair
  • Mike Coleman for providing help & materials to build the stage
  • Mike Perry for developing the official photographs
  • Mullucks Wells for sponsoring the chairs
  • Multitech Site Services for providing the power
  • Perkins for sponsoring the tickets
  • Peter Noble for compering the field events
  • Priors Hall for providing a Gammon
  • Richard Harris for his services as Town Crier
  • Rod Martin for collecting and returning all the props
  • Roger Hockley for storing the props
  • St Mary's Church for the loan of several props & managing the evening refreshments
  • Stansted Airport Community Fund for the generous cash donation
  • Starr Restaurant for their hospitality & displaying the Flitch banner
  • Sweetlands for providing the Flitch of Bacon
  • The Co-op for their cash donation
  • The Saracen's Head for donating the use of their meeting room
  • Uttlesford District Council for the loan of the waste bins

We thank our advertisers for their support in the programme and the residents of Rosemary Lane, Market Place, Star Lane, Stortford Road, North Street, The Maltings and surrounding roads for their forebearance with the road closures.

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The Dunmow Flitch Song
A group from Frome called the Bad Detectives felt inspired to write a song about the Dunmow Flitch for the 2008 Trials which is now available as an MP3:
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